Disclaimer :

The entire content in this blog is not fully written/authored by me. Most of them are referred from another source which may be in from anyone of the place like Facebook post, other Blog(s), Wiki, Whats-app/email forwards, you tube etc. I have tried my best to mention the respected source links (FB, Blog, wiki, you tube links etc) and also a courtesy tag too. Some of the very old posts may be missing them as they were all published when i started blogging and frankly speaking I wasn't fully aware of the credit methods, copyrights etc. Also my opinion on lot of this published posts eg (god, religion, political views) would have drastically changed now as I believe I have evolved at-least a little over the period of time with my experience and learning.

When I get time I will try to fully review the content. I'm trying this since 2 years (2015) and couldn't even succeed till now. Hope I will in the days to come.

About Me

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My heart will never be free, To push aside the longings I still feel, My eyes will never forget, The fields of patchwork green Soft rain so real, In my dreams I keep searching For those paths I never find........... There're many suspenses,sorrows,surprises stored for the next minute in this world. Meeting you is also one such surprise i hope. I'm embarking on a journey with a hope on this surprise springing world. I believe that there are many pleasant surprises in store for your future.......!! ALSO I VERY MUCH LIKE, LOVE THESE LINES OF ROBERT FROST...WONDERFULL LINES....... "The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.., But I have promises to keep.., And miles to go before I sleep.., And miles to go before I sleep... !!"



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Friday, July 31, 2009

Thought - 31 July'09

Today's Thought.

Maintain Balance: To have balance in all situations is the key to happiness.

Enlightenment Thought.
Key to Stay Happy: The more you understand yourself, the easier it is to remain happy and peaceful.

Self improvement Thought.
Forget Past: If your mind is caught in bondage's and problems of the past, you will not experience the joys of the present.Forget Past.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thought - 30 July'09

Today's Thought.

Positive Thouhts: Positive thoughts are like good software that helps us to perform to the best of our abilities.

Enlightenment Thought.
Be Happy Always: If you do everything with the feeling of happiness, there will be no task too difficult to perform.

Self improvement Thought.
Always Smile: Sometimes a smile can be like a drop of water in a desert.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thought - 29 July'09

Today's Thought.

Understand World Drama: Nothing is just coincidence. Every tree in life's garden bears significance.

Enlightenment Thought.
Face Difficult Situations: A person is pronounced great when he can face a difficult situation with happiness and laughter.

Self improvement Thought.
Do Your Best: If you ALWAYS do your best, you will be free from regrets.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thought - 28 July'09

Today's Thought.

Attain Spiritual Beauty: Physical beauty can be lost with marks of age or through accident. Spiritual beauty cannot be destroyed.

Enlightenment Thought.
Control Wants: If you want to advance in life, make sure that your WANTS don't advance.

Self improvement Thought.
Always Smile: When you smile, not only do you feel happy but bring a ray of light into the lives of others.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thought - 27 July'09

Today's Thought.

Loveful Attitude: Many People will want to quarrel and fight with you; realize that the only weapons you need are a smile and a loveful attitude.

Enlightenment Thought.
Art of Adjustment: The one who knows how to adjust is the one who knows how to survive.

Self improvement Thought.
Tackle Problem: If you beat your head against the wall when problems come, your brain will get messed up.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thought - 24 July'09

Today's Thought.
Control Over Sense Organs: True victory means complete control over the sense-organs.

Enlightenment Thought.
Put Good Effort: The more you enjoy putting in good efforts, the greater will be your happiness on receiving the fruits of those efforts.

Self improvement Thought.
Be Cheerful: Cheerfulness keeps up the spirit of the one who possesses it and brings a smile to the lips of others.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thought - 23 July'09

Today's Thought.
Forget Past:
If through some error yesterday was lost in grief, don't lose today by keeping it in your memory.

Enlightenment Thought.
Power Of Smile:
A smile can make short work of any difficulty.Keep Smiling and make others happy.

Self improvement Thought.
Honesty & True Heart:
The one who is honest and has a true heart will always feel light and tension-free.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thought - 22 July'09

Today's Thought.
Cheerfulness: Cheerfulness is the beauty of the face. He who is sullen is really ugly.

Enlightenment Thought.
Drama: Life is like a drama. If I understand the plot, there is great happiness.

Self improvement Thought.
Contentment and bliss: Contentment and bliss go hand in hand. These qualities create great fascination for you among others.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thought - 21 July'09

Today's Thought.
Elevated State:
Elevated State is not merely a matter of elevated thoughts, but elevated actions for the benefit of the self and the world.

Enlightenment Thought.
Maintain Balance:
Balance is the real foundation of a blissful life. Keep this always in mind and your present and future will always remain bright.

Self improvement Thought.
If every step is taken in the remembrance of God, just imagine how much fortune there is in every moment.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thought - 20 July'09

Today's Thought.
Forget The Past: To taste the sweetness of life, you must have the power to forget the past.

Enlightenment Thought.
Be Positive: Waste work will make you heavy and tired and positive work makes you happy, light and refreshed.

Self improvement Thought.
Remain Ever Happy: Those who remain very happy will never have internal laziness. Laziness is a great vice.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thought - 17 July'09

Today's Thought.
Try Your Best:
When you try your best and your best is not good enough, leave it in the hands of God.

Enlightenment Thought.
Improve Yourself:
Give a lot of time to the improvement of yourself, and then there is not time to criticize others.

Self improvement Thought.
Be Contented:
Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with great wealth.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thought - 16 July'09

Today's Thought.

Clean and Tidy: The most important places to keep clean and tidy are my mind and heart. If I allow thoughts to flourish that I wouldn't want to see the light of day, I can never have any real self-respect. By starting each day in quiet reflection and pouring positive, loving thoughts into my mind, I gradually clean out cynicism and unkindness.

Enlightenment Thought.

Neither say, " I am nothing" nor " I am everything": Instead say, " I am what I am because the One who is making me is with me".

Self improvement Thought.

Thinking: Thinking can be your hell, but it can also be the means of making your Heaven.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thought - 15 July'09

Today's Thought.

Seeds: What we see today may not be just the fruit of chance but the fruit of seeds planted in the past. Plant seeds of peace now and create a life of peace in the future.

Enlightenment Thought.

Have mercy, forgiveness and then give teachings: When in the role of a teacher, the most elevated method of teaching is not to give correction, but to create understanding first in the form of forgiveness.

Self improvement Thought.

Peace: Peace consists of pure thoughts, pure feelings and pure wishes. When the energy of thought, word and action is balanced and stable, the individual is at peace with the self, in relationships and the world. To exercise the power of peace look inward in order to look outward with courage, purpose and meaning.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thought - 14 July'09

Today's Thought.

If you do everything with the feeling of happiness, there will be no task too difficult to perform.

Enlightenment Thought.

If you give your heart to someone whom you love they might break it; give your heart to the one who cares/loves you and have it strengthened

Self improvement Thought.

Become the destroyer of obstacles: What may look like a mountain may be as light as cotton wool when you face it with full confidence

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thought - 13 July'09

Today's Thought.

The more you understand yourself, the easier it is to remain happy and peaceful.

Enlightenment Thought.

If there is no filament in a bulb, there is no light; if your confidence and friends is not in your life there is no life.

Self improvement Thought.

Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thought - 10 July'09

Today's Thought.

Each day has its own 'Special for the day'.

Monday – Peaceful day;

Tuesday – Loveful day;

Wednesday – Powerful day;

Thursday – Knowledgeful day;

Friday – Pure day;

Saturday – Merciful day;

Sunday – Blissful day;

each offering a full selection from which to feast the mind.

It is recommended Grade 'A' diet to think & experience the real quality of the soul.

When the world becomes like a wild storm – the most beautiful shelter is God.

Enlightenment Thought.

BLISS: Bliss is the happiness beyond the senses. Beyond the laughter, the merriment. Away from the sways of the joys I've known. Not lost in the gentle pulls of the winds, nor using the eyes to see that which lightens and brightens, not using the ears to be hypnotized by the musicale manifique, and not using the mouth to taste the sweetness of the first fruit of the season.

Freedom starts in the mind, not by cutting ropes.

Self improvement Thought.

Contentment and bliss go hand in hand. These qualities create great fascination for you among others.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thought - 09 July'09

Today's Thought.
Big Heart:
Be quick to forgive any form of insult, and slow to forget the importance of a big heart.

Enlightenment Thought.

True to the Best: Real honesty means being true to the best that is within you. This is more honest than simply speaking your mind.

Self improvement Thought.

Save the Sinking Boat: Do good and forget about it. Do not have grudges in your mind for anyone. Save the sinking boat with the anchor of your pure thoughts. The greatest art is to bring your mind onto this auspicious path. Think good, Be good & Do good.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thought - 08 July'09

Today's Thought.

Easiness: As we grow in strength in our spiritual life, we give up the habit of worrying. It serves no purpose other than to make us feel tense and miserable. When I stop fretting about things that are beyond my control and focus instead on generating optimistic and kind thoughts, my life can begin to flow in ever more positive directions. Such a light and easy approach to life enables me to take everything in my stride.

Enlightenment Thought.

Total Faith: Have total faith that whatever is happening is good, and remain carefree.

Self improvement Thought.

Anger: Never give way to anger - otherwise in one moment you could burn up the joy that you collected over a long period.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thought - 07 July'09

Today's Thought.
Flowers of Happiness and Peace :
The whole world is thirsty for a drop of love. Shower love on those who are thirsty in their hearts with the flowers of happiness and peace. May the forest of honey of the mind be fragrant, and may the birds of peace chirp in the garden of your mind. For everyone have these good wishes day and night.

Enlightenment Thought.

Calmly Observe : If you calmly observe, you will more clearly see situations for what they really are.

Self improvement Thought.

Your need power to remain free from the influence of others. Detachment is this power. If you can't stay detached from influences, you will not be able to keep your thoughts under control. From there it will be a downward spiral until all trace of inner well-being is lost. The first step in detachment is to understand who you are as a spiritual entity. This allows your to 'detach' yourself from your physical identity, and it's world of limited thoughts and feelings, and 'attach' instead to your spiritual personality, the being of inner peace and power. A normal day will be filled with challenges to this detachment. On the one side will be your spiritual awareness, but on the other will be the attraction towards human beings and the material world. Detachment is not a question of becoming separate from the later, but of simply remaining conscious of yourself as a spiritual being whilst being in the world and playing your part. Detachment simply means to keep yourself centered in your spirituality.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thought - 06 July'09

Today's Thought.

Have only positive thoughts for the self and others: Resist wasteful thoughts and have only thoughts of encouragement and support for the self and for others.

Enlightenment Thought.

Time: Consider time to be a great treasure. Don't waste a second.

Self improvement Thought.

In Purity there is Royalty: Do not use your eyes to see that which is not worth seeing.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thought - 03 July'09

Today's Thought.

Lucky Day : Forget all mistakes. Forget all failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day.

Enlightenment Thought.

Acceptance : Love is the ocean which accepts all manner of rivers without questioning their origin.

Self improvement Thought.

To be ever ready means to guarantee success. The ones who are ever ready are active and so when a task comes up, they quickly understand it and attain success. They do not waste time and energy thinking too much about it. They recognize the importance of the task and involve fully in it and attain success. When we are ever ready we are able to be easy. All tasks seem easy for us and effort put in for the success of the task also becomes easy. So we don't have to do a lot of effort but give our best. Thus we experiencesuccess every moment in all situations.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thought - 02 July'09

Today's Thought.

A rose can live amongst the throns and yet never be injured by them; How about you?

Enlightenment Thought.

The less you speak, the more you are listened to.

Self improvement Thought.

If knowledge is wealth, ask yourself; " How wealthy am I?"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thought - 01 July'09

Today's Thought.

The Flow
Everything that comes to us, comes to pass or, more accurately, for us to pass on. Not just the money in our pocket, but wisdom, objects, ideas, even opportunities, all come to us, so that, at the right moment, we can pass them on. This is called flow. Being in the flow means being aware that the river of life is flowing to us at every moment. Being in the flow means accepting whatever comes and putting it to good use, before passing it on. Going with the flow means allowing whatever comes to move on freely, without holding on to it in any way.

Enlightenment Thought.

Believe Nothing
It is much easier to believe that it's snowing, than to experience the snow. If you just believe, you can stay inside, stay warm and avoid the cold. That's why people are led up the garden path by others beliefs. It's easier and warmer. In the context of your spiritual or personal growth, believe nothing, experiment and test everything in the laboratory of your own experience. Only then will you be able to separate truth from falsehood, reality from illusion, and lead others with integrity.

Self improvement Thought.

I the Soul am an embodiment of Solution